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Treat yourself to a day of skiing

Smoothest way for a day trip with skiing

  • Shortest travel route – In just two hours, you change the city environment for a beautiful winter view, 25 slopes and activities for the whole family.
  • Best price - If you want a full day of skiing at a real ski resort, the Kungsberg bus is the cheapest and best option.
  • Most environmentally friendly - Riding together is better for the environment and in addition, the buses to 100% run on fossil-free and renewable HVO diesel.

Go comfortably and environmentally friendly from Stockholm City Terminal directly to high-class skiing in Kungsberget. The times are adapted so that you will have a full day on the slopes but still make it home for dinner.


Prices including lift ticket, ToR

Children 0-6 years 420:-

Youth 7-17 years 655:-

Adult 18+ 685:-

Senior 65+ 665:-

Bus only 420:-

See departure times and book here

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