Your part of Kungsberget
During the last five winter seasons, Kungsberget has grown the most in percentage terms of all ski resorts in Sweden. In the winter season 21/22, Kungsberget increased by a full 41% in terms of booked guest nights compared to the previous year. Many families with children in Stockholm/Mälardalen (approx. 2 hours drive) have Kungsberget as "their" ski resort where many appreciate going up several weekends during a winter and not just during the high season during holidays. During the summer of 2021, Kungsberget started the summer investment to become an even more attractive year-round resort. The summer venture consists of, among other things, downhill cycling, trail cycling, hiking, padel, fishing etc
Do you have questions about buying accommodation?
Contact broker Gustav Björkman at
070-840 00 31
Do you have questions about cottage ownership?
Contact cottage owner service at
054-13 26 37
Do you already own a home in Kungsberget? Click on the link below to get to the Cottage Owner Portal.