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News 24/25

A selection of news

  • New lift in Björnbuseland
  • Skidborgarmärken
  • The Hector track

Winter news in Kungsberget

Some of this year's news are here! Several new items are continuously added during the autumn.

New lift in Björnbuseland

Now children and beginners can discover the joy of skiing in our new lift that goes all the way from the bottom of Björnbuseland to the top of the hill. In connection with the new lift, we are also widening the riding surface to create more space for skiing fun! On the way down, you can educationally ride between the different objects that are placed on the hill and high-five the soft animals!

The Hector park becomes the Hector track - a new skiing experience for our guests!
Where Hectorparken used to be, we are now building Hectorbanan as is a fun and challenging experience for those who want to test their skills in a playful way. The course is equipped with slalom sticks and figures that make skiing both entertaining and educational. Here you have the opportunity to develop your skiing skills while having fun and being inspired by one of Sweden's top skiers - Sara Hector!

Samla skidborgarmärken och bli en riktig Kungsbergsmästare!

Inför den här säsongen introducerar vi skidborgarmärken – ett engagerande och roligt sätt för barn att utveckla sina skidfärdigheter och samtidigt samla färgglada armband som bevis på sina framsteg

Skidmärkena är indelade i fyra svårighetsgrader som utmanar barnen i olika moment och nivåer.

  • Green: Bus riders – Perfect for little riders! Take on a course in Björnbuseland and collect your green bracelet.
  • Blue: King of speed – Are you fast on the hill? Challenge yourself in Speedski and be rewarded with the blue bracelet as Fartkung.
  • Red: Slope Pros – Show your style in the Funslope and prove that you are a true slope pro by conquering the red bracelet.
  • Black: Park Master - Feeling for tricks? Take on the big park and get the black bracelet to become a real Park Master.

När barnet klarar en nivå går ni till shopen för att köpa märket.

Utöver skidborgarmärkena kan barn delta i våra gratis aktiviteter som Kungsbergscupen och STIGA Snowracerutmaning för att samla allihop!

We are improving the riding experience in the Rundturen and expanding the snow system in Nintendo Land
The round trip will now be even more pleasant to ride as the narrowest sections are widened and the turns are rebuilt to create a better flow in the ride. In Nintendo Land, we are expanding the snow system to create even better conditions to be able to maintain a high quality on the slopes throughout the season.

We create a better flow inside the ski rental

Now it will be even easier and more pleasant to rent skis with us! We are carrying out a renovation and refurbishing to improve the flow and make the process faster for our guests. As part of the upgrade, we are installing new booth compartments and introducing a flexible number tag system.


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