Contact details
Postal address
Kungsbergets Fritidsanläggningar AB, Kungsbergsvägen 51, 811 95 Järbo
Org. no: 556528-0434
Head office
Branäsgruppen. Drottninggatan 40. 652 25 Karlstad
Telephone: +46(0)54-13 26 00
Kungsbergets Fritidsanläggningar AB, Kungsbergsvägen 51, 811 95 Järbo
Org. no: 556528-0434
Branäsgruppen. Drottninggatan 40. 652 25 Karlstad
Telephone: +46(0)54-13 26 00
Invoice formats that Kungsbergets Fritidsanäljagnar AB can accept are both Svefaktura and PEPPOL. You can send invoices to us via our service provider Scancloud. We have no requirements for test invoices or our own communication agreements, therefore it is easy for you to make a connection request to us.
Kungsberget's PEPPOL ID: 0007:5565280434
Kungsberget's GLN: 7365565280438
If you have questions about connecting to us, please contact support at Scancloud.
Kungsbergets Fritidsanlajning AB
Drottninggatan 40
652 25 Karlstad
It is important that all invoices sent to Kungsbergets Fritidsanäljagen AB contain the information below. If any of the information is missing, we will possibly return the invoice for completion before we can pay.